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Songtekst snelkeuzemenu

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Macron 1 (Openings- en songtekst)

Macron 1

Openingstekst begintune

In the far distant future
Dark Star and his evil forces fight for control of the earth

There only opposition is signed his Dr. Chagall
and his team of warriors

Together they are indistractable
Together they are Macron 1


Songtekst begintune

Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1

Feel the power!
Feel the power!

Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1

Feel it, feel it!

Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1

Feel the power!
Feel the power!

Yeah! Feel the power!

Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1
Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Macron 1


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